Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Dude! That's All I've Got!


When there's no flash photography allowed but you still want to remember the place, you won't have much to work with.  Don't let that stop you, dude!

One good photo was all I had but I was still able to capture memories in a pleasing format.

Dude! Give what you've got!

Dude! Back it Up!


Sometimes you've just got to let the background do the talking!  The Dude whose lived at Friendship Hill was Secretary of the Treasury.

What should be the background?

Yep, and accounting ledger.  That part of his life was the reason for the site's preservation so having it in the background spoke of the why while the pix show the what.

Dude!  This counts!

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Dude! Say What?


One of the neatest things about visiting the George Washington Carver site in Missouri is that the place is sprinkled with great quotes from the man.  On stones along the paths, on the walls, just everywhere.  They made the place come alive.

It was an otherwise intentionally simple setting so I used a plain background then put pix or clippings of his quotes in among the scenery.

Dude!  Listen to what the man said!

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Dude! No Words!


Sometimes the feelings from a trip are more than words can conjure.  Let the pix do the talking!

You can help the pix get their message across through how you arrange them on the page.  The rest is for the person looking at the page to hear in their own heart and mind.

Dude!  Respect!

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Dude! It's the People!


Park sites in West Virginia are all about the people and culture that was there back in the day.  It's like walking into someone's photo album or scrapbook.  When I went to put this page together, I wondered how I could express that feeling.

Then I remembered an odd sheet of background paper that I had tucked away.  It was covered with old photos of people I would never meet.


Though I doubt they were from the area, they were from the right time period.  Incorporating them added a human element to this place that sits at the juncture of nature and heavy industry.

It's the people, Dude!

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Dude! This has Everything!


This page was for a short visit to a small site in Tennessee.  Sometimes places like that have slim pickins for scrapbook work.  But Dude!  This little page has all the elements.

Photos from the site?  Check
Contextual background?  He was president, so Check
Contrasting section?  He was a tailor, hence the blue cloth-looking section, so Check
Historic photos from brochure?  Check
Map?  Check
Label?  Check

Not bad for what was basically a 2-room museum.

Dude!  That's a lot in a little space!