Thursday, January 26, 2012

Dude! Go Hunting!

Dude! You can make things all frilly if you want people to think your pages were made by a girl. Your scrapbook supplies are full of all kinds of things to make your pages clean and great. Hunt and gather like a man!

Dude, this page is about Abe Lincoln and his solid marble monument. Just a few scraps of striped green paper and a couple clippings from the brochure provide some simple accent reminders of the National Mall on which the Lincoln Memorial is located.

Dude! It's a scrapbook! Don't forget it.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Dude! Send Flowers!

Dude! You don't want to add flowers to all your pix in the scrapbook. But if you're honoring the woman of the house, then it's way cool.

The woman of this house was Bess Truman. The background paper looked like something she might have used as wallpaper in her house.

I cropped the pix I took, some postcards, and items from the brochure. I put these little punch-out frames around them and hung them on "her" flower-print wallpaper. For me it's like walking back into her house again.

Dude! I hope she likes the flowers I got for her!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Dude! Oops Paint is Awesome!

Dude! You know that awesome color of paint you found on the Oops Rack at Home Depot for just a couple of bucks? I know you still have it in your basement because your wife forbid it on any surfaces in your house.

I know why you bought it: It was cheap and you didn't have to use anything called color swatches.

Dude! Put those skills to use!

You would think a scrapbook page from the Petrified Forest would have lots of desert kinds of colors. But look! Since the map is green and black just stick with those totally non-desert colors and make it work.

No color swatches. Cheap. Easy.

Even she will admit that this looks good, something you'll never hear about that paint.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Dude! Use Some Stickers!

Dude! My first trip to the Grand Canyon was so AWESOME that I totally forgot to take pictures. When I got home I realized I only had one shot from the entire place. I was bummed because I so wanted to include such a manly place in the scrapbook.

But after digging through all the buttons and bows at the scrapbook store I found some stickers that helped make my limited picture tell the story.

Dude, who wants to plan a hiking trip to Phantom Ranch so we can get pix from the bottom of the canyon?