Thursday, February 23, 2012

Dude! Send a Postcard!

Dude! You don't have to take every single picture -- that's why God made postcards!

You can mix and match your own pix with the ones the pros took and you picked up at the gift shop. It's not cheating and it absolves you of the guilt you felt for not sending the cards to your friends while you were on vacation.

Dude! Slip in a few cards and deal yourself a winning page!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Dude! That's the Ticket!

Dude! Hold onto your tickets! They provide valuable information to add to the memories and can be a part of the color scheme of your scrapbook page.

Of course, sporting events provide natural color choices when you root for your favorite team. Take advantage of that and preserve memories of the event you got that ticket for.

Dude! How 'bout dem O's?

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Dude! Be Bold!

Dude! You're life's an adventure. You go manly places doing manly things. Don't water down your life with lots of pastels and hushed tones. You're not afraid of bold colors, are you?

Just as Devils Tower juts out from the Wyoming prairies, let those pix, stickers, and clippings stand out with bold colors like the hunter green trim on the goldenrod background.

Dude! Don't wuss out. Let your memories be as bold as the original experience!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Dude! It's the Pix!

Dude! When it comes to separating the girls from the scrappy dudes it comes down to the pix! The dudes don't let lace and tags and buttons and stamps and all that other stuff bury the pictures. The pix are the reason for the books.

Sometimes, you just need to let the pix do all the work. Arranging them in a clean, crisp way let each of them speak 1000 words each. And when they do the talking you can remain the strong, silent type.
